Monday, July 30, 2012


       The main function of the heart or the liver is to filter out the toxins that exist in the blood. In addition, there are still approximately 500 other functions of the liver. If someone is suffering from hepatitis, which is an inflammation of the liver or liver, can destroy the person's overall health because the toxins remain deposited on blood and organ damage or interfere with other work. Another result is the liver blood flow declined to be high blood pressure and rupture of blood vessels.

Liver function or damage to this day can be caused by a person consumes alcohol to excess or due to ingested toxins that burden the work function of the liver and cause liver becomes damaged. However, in most cases, hepatitis caused by hepatitis virus that is transmitted.

There are 5 types of viral hepatitis are named in alphabetical order. The fifth virus is hepatitis A (VHA), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), hepatitis D virus (VHD) and viral hepatitis E (VHE). Viruses are constantly evolving and there are even expected to at least 3 more viruses that can cause hepatitis.

 Viruses that infect humans are most HBV, causes hepatitis B. An estimated 1 in 3 people on earth have been infected. About 350 million live with the virus settles in the body and potentially infect others. Approximately 78% of people with hepatitis befall the people of Asia and the islands in the Pacific region. The virus caused the death of at least 600,000 people per year.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

how to prevent osteoporosis

is always lurking, especially in women who are more susceptible to this disease. In order for you free of the threat, some of these tricks can be lived.

        Bone has an important role for a person's body. As a buffer, of course, must always be maintained bone health. Adequate calcium and vitamin D intake otptimal be the key, so you are free from osteoporosis. The rest do a few steps below, as released Healthmeup.

       Given osteoporosis is a degenerative bone disease, especially women who experience menopause and resulting loss of bone density, then undergo physical training into the suggested solutions. This exercise is done to stimulate bone cells and bone density are perfectly made​​.

       The best exercises to maintain bone health is squats, bent his knees, and pull dows. Aerobics and running was a sport that is recommended to prevent osteoporosis.

       Experts recommend 1000-1300 milligrams of calcium per day. Calcium can be added by eating foods that contain vitamin D, which helps absorption of calcium in the body. Calcium and vitamin D can stimulate adequate bone density.

       Expand green vegetables,Green vegetables are rich in calcium so it can be your daily main menu. Soybeans are also a rich source of nutrients, so it can support bone health.

       Do a healthy lifestyle,Given the threat that haunts, then apply a healthy lifestyle is one alternative that should be taken. In addition to physical exercise as an exercise, you can mengasup nutritious and balanced diet.
